Tuesday, 24 May 2011


Yeast is a fungus scientifically referred to as{CANDIDA} . The specific type of fungus most commonly responsible for vaginitis is candida albicans. Yeast is commonly present on normal human skin and in areas of moisture, such as the mouth and vagina. In fact, it is estimated that between 30%-50% of healthy women normally carry yeast in the vaginal area in most cases.
Vaginitis is inflammation of the vagina. Vaginitis is very common and is reported by as many as 75% of women at some point in their lives. Vaginitis can be caused by a number of infections, including bacteria and  gonorreah   and yeast candida.  Vaginal yeast infection, which is the most common form of vaginitis, is often referred to as vaginal candidiasis
THE VULVA.Vulvitis is inflammation of the external genital organs of the female (the vulva). The vulva includes the clitoris, and entrance to the vagina the vestibule of the vagina. An inflammation of the vulva is referred to as vulvitis. Vulvitis, like vaginitis, may be caused by a number of different infections. Because the vulva is also often inflamed when there is inflammation of the vagina, vaginitis is sometimes referred to as vulvovaginitis.
Vaginal yeast infections occur when new yeast is introduced into the vaginal area, or when there is an increase in the quantity of yeast already present in the vagina relative to the quantity of normal bacteria. For example, when the normal protective bacteria are eradicated by antibiotics in most cases taken to treat a respiratory or  infections generally, or by chemical drugs that can suppress the immune, the yeast can multiply, invade tissues, and cause irritation of the lining of the vagina (vaginitis).
Vaginal yeast infections can also occur as a result of injury to the inner vagina, such as infections contacted during things like operations.but the truth is that we have a comprehensive cure remedy to eradicate this problem with natural products. so call us on 2348033759021 or email obesco2002@yahoo.co.uk

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